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Luxury Mother’s Day Love Box

$115.00 $75.00 Sale
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A luxury gift box of love for you or someone special💕


FEMMAGIC custom luxury box

Organic Pantyliners - toxic free organic cotton pads.

Travel size Vagelixir- (Vaginal ph balanced herbal elixir known to restore vaginal imbalances from BV, Yeast, UTI, Vaginitis or odors. Increases wetness. For internal and topical use.

Aphrodisiac- Toxic free sexual lubricant with sweet taste and love conjuring aroma.

4oz Fem Cleanser- toxic free feminine wash will sultry aroma. for external use.

Fem Secret- FEMMAGIC attraction fragrance bottled with real gemstones.

Intimate wipes- toxic free intimate wipes with chamomile.


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Why Women Are Choosing This

The Femmagic Difference

Femmagic is dedicated to transforming intimate care into a magical experience. Our enchanting blend of all-natural, non-toxic, and plant-based ingredients is crafted to gently nurture and cleanse, while our cruelty-free promise safeguards nature's harmony. Embrace the magic of Femmagic, where every product is an ode to pure, ethereal wellness.

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